General Education Homebound



Any student who is served through the General Education Homebound (GEH) program must meet the following three criteria:

-is expected to be confined at home or a hospital bedside for a minimum of four consecutive weeks

-for medical reasons only;

-medical conditions are documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States

Students served through General Education Homebound (GEH) at home/ hospital bedside must be served by a certified general education teacher.


Note: For guidance in determining GEH instruction for pregnant students who are/are not receiving Pregnancy Related Services please refer to the districts guidelines/ policies for Pregnancy Related Services.


General Education Homebound (GEH) Committee Roles and Responsibilities:


  1. Committee Membership
    Decisions regarding general education homebound placement must be made by a designated campus committee. Required membership includes:

            -campus administrator

            -teacher of the student

            -parent/ guardian of the student

          At the discretion of the campus administrator, additional membership may include:

           -all teachers of the student

           -campus at risk coordinator

           -nurse or medical professional

           -school counselor

  1. Role of Committee
    The role of the GEH committee is to review and consider the necessity of providing instruction to a general education student at home/ hospital bedside. If instruction is provided at home/ hospital bedside the GEH committee will determine the type(s) and amount of instruction to be provided.


            In making these decisions, the GEH committee must consider the physician’s      
            information. However, the physician's information is not the sole determining      
           factor in the committee's decision making process.

  1. GEH Committee Responsibilities
    In qualifying a student for and serving a student through General Education Homebound, the following documentation requirement must be met:

            - General Education Homebound Committee Meeting Notes which documents


            a.  The committee's decisions regarding whether or not a student is to be served

                  through GEH.

            b.  The committee's decisions regarding the type(s) and amount of instruction    
                  to be provided to the student, this must include the designated amount of 
                  time per week that instruction will be provided.


            c.  Documentation of the day(s) homebound instruction started and stoppe


            d.  The plan for the student's transition back to a school-based setting.     
                  The length  of the transition period must be determined by the GEH committee                   based on current medical information. 


-Doctors Eligibility Report: Verification of Need of Homebound Instruction


This form is to be completed and signed by the student's physician. The document verifies the student has a medical condition which requires the student be confined at home/ hospital bedside for a minimum of four consecutive weeks.


-Medical Release of Information to be signed by the parent/ guardian.


This form allows school personnel to communicate directly with medical personnel.


-General Education Homebound Services Parent Responsibilities:


This form is to be reviewed and signed by the parent. It clarifies parent responsibilities during the homebound placement.


-Teachers Homebound Instruction Log


This form documents services provided and is necessary in order to generate

funding for general education homebound services. (This form is to be given to

the attendance clerk weekly for PEIMS reporting purposes.)


GEH Funding Chart and PEIMS:


In order for funding to be generated for general education homebound, services must be provided as follows:


General education students served at home will earn eligible days present based on the number of hours the student is served at home by a certified teacher each week. Use the following chart to calculate eligible days present as documented on the teachers homebound instruction log:


Amount of Time Served per Week Eligible Days Present Earned per Week

One hour                                                       One day present

Two hours                                                     Two days present

Three hours                                                  Three days present

Four or more hours                                    Four days present (4-day week)

                                                                           Five days present (5-day week)



It is the homebound teacher's responsibility to calculate eligible days present and present this information to the attendance clerk on a weekly basis. This information is included on the teacher's homebound instruction logs.

Students transitioning back to a school-based setting may continue to generate funding based on the GEH funding chart during the transition period. ADA eligibility shifts back to the requirements of the 2-4 hour rule once the student has completed the transition period as determined by the GEH committee.



DISD School Board Policy EEH (local)